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  • Do you do weddings?
  • What should I wear?
    This is the most common question I receive prior to a shoot. Whether it's a studio setting, an outdoor shoot or an event shoot, there are some common responses, but I will answer with each type of photography separately. My number 1 rule is, NO TURTLENECKS! For portraits, neck is everything. You can be 6'5 but if you cover your neck in a photo, you immediately look 5'5. Keep your neckline lower for your clothing options. This includes scarves, big jewelry (with exceptions), etc. Studio: There are very little limits. Since my studio is in my home, you have a lot of freedom to bring as many clothes as you'd like, and I offer my advice on what is going to look best. You won't regret bringing too many clothes, but you may regret not bringing enough. The backgrounds are white and black, and in editing, I can make them any color, so you are unlimited in your color choices for a studio shoot. Outdoor: There are some variances based on location. If you are in a park or wooded area, avoid colors that blend into that atmosphere - so greens and browns. Bright colors are best for outdoor shoots. If the background is city/urban, you want to compliment that area so if the backgrounds are vibrant colors with a lot of patterns, you may want to stick with solid colors, so you are contrasting with your background. If the backgrounds are brick, stone with consistent patterns, you can lean more towards bright color and varying patterns. Prior to our shoot, you will know the location and I encourage you to check it out so you can plan accordingly! Preparation is key. Event: This is much more difficult to control. My advice on knowing the venue, the theme, etc and then finding wardrobe to contrast it rather than blend into it stands. You don't want to contrast colors too much. Another universal rule for outfit selection, wear what you love. If you are uncomfortable in your clothing, you will look uncomfortable in your photos.
  • Do you do engagements/engagement sessions?
    Yes, but I do not do weddings. Most wedding photographers have packages for these sessions and would highly recommend that you use the person who is going to shoot your wedding, for your engagement/engagement session.
  • What is your style as a photographer?
    I bring emotional vulnerability into studio and outdoor shoots. I will ask you to pose based on emotions, I may ask you to tell me a story and I'll take photos as you speak, I put music on and ask you to dance, etc. Art is my primary motivation in how I shoot, so I will ask you to do "strange" things or poses that are very uncomfortable and you may not know how in the world that photo is going to look, but it ends up being amazing. The more you can trust my process, the more magic we can make. I will direct you very specifically so that you are never guessing in what I want from you. Your needs, your comfort, your desired outcome of the photos, are all at the forefront of my mind when shooting and I will do every idea you come in with. A collaborative environment is what I foster and gain the most from.
  • Will you help me figure out what to wear?
    Yes! I love when people ask me for help with outfit choices. I do charge for this service and that price will vary from $15-20/hr. If you want to send photos of clothes or facetime/zoom while you try-on clothes, I will charge $15/hr. If you want me to come to your house, I will charge $20/hr.
  • Do you allow nudity in photos?
    Yes. In the studio nudity is completely fine. My personal boundary is that I do not shoot nudes on anyone under the age of 21. Nude photos are never posted anywhere. They are delivered privately, and I will never use them for my website or advertising. Once I deliver photos to my client, nudes are deleted from my computer.
  • What sports have you covered?
    Football, baseball/softball, volleyball, soccer, cheerleading, wrestling and basketball. Sports photography is my favorite style. I would love to earn your business!
  • Do you do senior pictures?
    Yes! I book by the hour and have a large portfolio of senior photos. I will cater to your budget and can give a wide variety of photo options for your senior. I pride myself in making the process of taking senior photos very fun and unforgettable. This is one of the best times in a young person's life and I want them to feel celebrated and capture their personality at this amazing time in their life. Even at 44, I still have my senior photos and I still love them. I aim to do the same for the people I work with. **Parent accompaniment is required for everyone under the age of 18.
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    To add a new FAQ follow these steps: 1. Manage FAQs from your site dashboard or in the Editor 2. Add a new question & answer 3. Assign your FAQ to a category 4. Save and publish. You can always come back and edit your FAQs.
  • How do I edit or remove the 'Frequently Asked Questions' title?
    You can edit the title from the FAQ 'Settings' tab in the Editor. To remove the title from your mobile app go to the 'Site & App' tab in your Owner's app and customize.
  • Can I insert an image, video, or GIF in my FAQ?
    Yes. To add media follow these steps: 1. Manage FAQs from your site dashboard or in the Editor 2. Create a new FAQ or edit an existing one 3. From the answer text box click on the video, image or GIF icon 4. Add media from your library and save.
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